Summary of recommendations
Recommendation 1.
Establish a comprehensive national automotive industrial strategy and program.
Recommendation 2.
Allocate responsibility for Canada’s auto sector strategy to a dedicated Ministry.
Recommendation 3.
Establish a ‘one-stop shop’ investment attraction framework.
Recommendation 4.
Advance trade policies that support job stability and promote ‘fair trade’ principles.
Recommendation 5.
Focus investment in domestic manufacturing of component parts.
Recommendation 6.
Actively support domestic battery-grade material production.
Recommendation 7.
Build Canada’s critical mineral processing sector to maximize domestic economic benefits.
Recommendation 8.
Attract domestic semiconductor production to Canada.
Recommendation 9.
Encourage end-of-life vehicle and battery recycling.
Recommendation 10.
Establish made-in-Canada guidance for government fleet vehicle purchasing.
Recommendation 11.
Develop a joint federal-provincial fleet renewal funding program.
Recommendation 12.
Ensure R&D funding supports Canadian production and employment.
Recommendation 13.
Launch an auto parts supplier transition support program.
Recommendation 14.
Create a dedicated auto industry labour market adjustment program.
Recommendation 15.
Increase vehicle purchase incentives.
Recommendation 16.
Introduce a temporary vehicle trade-in rebate program.
Recommendation 17.
Establish a charging network benchmark of at least one charger for every ten on-road electric vehicles.
Recommendation 18.
Expand clean power production to bolster provincial baseload capacity.
Recommendation 19.
Develop a comprehensive national skills assessment and inventory.
Recommendation 20.
Protect existing scopes of practice and ensure new skills fall within existing Red Seal certification framework in Canada.
Recommendation 21.
Harness interest in vehicle electrification to attract new apprentices.
Recommendation 22.
Require all recipients of public investment supports to establish union neutrality covenants as a condition of funding.
Recommendation 23.
Establish card-based union certification in all jurisdictions.
Recommendation 24.
Require all trade agreements to include strong and enforceable labour provisions.
Recommendation 25.
Develop a sector-based bargaining framework for the automotive parts industry.
Recommendation 26.
Legislate employment equity in all jurisdictions.
Recommendation 27.
Support employers and community organizations committed to hire, train and retain workers in underrepresented communities.
Recommendation 28.
Establish and facilitate a clear process for dialogue between developers and Indigenous Peoples prior to permitting mining activities.
Recommendation 29.
Require fair share agreements between mining firms and Indigenous and Northern communities to localize the economic benefits of mining projects.